Hi, I’m Gabriel
Theorist, Dreamer & Builder. Imperial College London op-out.
I design and build advanced and innovative framework to streamline and accelerate [30-90 working days] standard software platforms delivery (FinTech, EdTech, FoodTech, PropTech, OTA, CRM, Marketplaces, Market Networks, Web3 artifacts etc...). More details on Softlab website.
I am a digital nomad and have 15 years experience, both as entrepreneur and employee. My ethos in software technologies revolves around the below quotes 👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿.
“Better and Perfect are the enemies of What-Is-Actually-Needed”
“Simplicity is a great virtue but it requires hard work to achieve it and education to appreciate it. And to make matters worse: complexity sells better”
“Security and Flexibility are inversely proportional”
“What makes GREAT products is CONTENT not PROCESS”
Right now, I am working with a top team on some pioneering stuffs. If you are curious, check it out OneBar, making Gold a productive asset, kind nod to Warren Buffet .
But hey, I still have some spare slots for 1 or 2 projects aside.
You see a fit ? Feel free to contact me at online@gabriely.info .